Tuesday, April 9, 2013

20 Pain Killers In Your Kitchen


I found this informations that has been shared by a friend through facebook and I think this is worth sharing with the others too. This is a good alternative medications and it can be found in your kitchen. May the info be beneficial to you too.

Make muscle pain a memory with ginger
When Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to 63 percent of them within two months. Experts credit ginger’s potent compounds called gingerols, which prevent the production of pain-triggering hormones. The study-recommended dose: Add at least 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger to meals daily. (For other goodness click HERE)

Cure a toothache with cloves
Got a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic. Bonus: Sprinkling a ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.

Heal heartburn with cider vinegar
Sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water before every meal, and experts say you could shut down painful bouts of heartburn in as little as 24 hours. “Cider vinegar is rich in malic and tartaric acids, powerful digestive aids that speed the breakdown of fats and proteins so your stomach can empty quickly, before food washes up into the esophagus, triggering heartburn pain,” explains Joseph Brasco, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Center for Colon and Digestive Diseases in Huntsville, AL.
Erase earaches with garlic
Painful ear infections drive millions of Americans to doctors’ offices every year. To cure one fast, just place two drops of warm garlic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days. This simple treatment can clear up ear infections faster than prescription meds, say experts at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Scientists say garlic’s active ingredients (germanium, selenium, and sulfur compounds) are naturally toxic to dozens of different pain-causing bacteria. To whip up your own garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then refrigerate for up to two weeks, suggests Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., co-author of the book, Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy. For an optimal experience, warm this mix slightly before using so the liquid will feel soothing in your ear canal.

Chase away joint and headache pain with cherries
Latest studies show that at least one in four women is struggling with arthritis, gout or chronic headaches. If you’re one of them, a daily bowl of cherries could ease your ache, without the stomach upset so often triggered by today’s painkillers, say researchers at East Lansing ’s Michigan State University . Their research reveals that anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red color, are anti-inflammatories 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin. “Anthocyanins help shut down the powerful enzymes that kick-start tissue inflammation, so they can prevent, as well as treat, many different kinds of pain,” explains Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., professor of food science at Michigan State University . His advice: Enjoy 20 cherries (fresh, frozen or dried) daily, then continue until your pain disappears.

Fight tummy troubles with fish
Indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases...if your belly always seems to be in an uproar, try munching 18 ounces of fish weekly to ease your misery. Repeated studies show that the fatty acids in fish, called EPA and DHA, can significantly reduce intestinal inflammation, cramping and belly pain and, in some cases, provide as much relief as corticosteroids and other prescription meds. “EPA and DHA are powerful, natural, side effect-free anti-inflammatories, that can dramatically improve the function of the entire gastrointestinal tract,” explains biological chemist Barry Sears, Ph.D., president of the Inflammation Research Foundation in Marblehead , MA . For best results, look for oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring.

Prevent PMS with yogurt
Up to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at New York ’s Columbia University . “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a professor of gynecology at Yale University .

Tame chronic pain with turmeric
Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers. That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.

End endometrial pain with oats
The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal. Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University .

Soothe foot pain with salt
Experts say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California ’s Stanford University. The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.

Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple
Got gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That's because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.

Relax painful muscles with peppermint
Suffering from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.

Give your back some TLC with grapes

Got an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recent studies at Ohio State University suggest eating a heaping cup of grapes daily can relax tight blood vessels, significantly improving blood flow to damaged back tissues (and often within three hours of enjoying the first bowl). That’s great news because your back’s vertebrae and shock-absorbing discs are completely dependent on nearby blood vessels to bring them healing nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is essential for healing damaged back tissue, says Stengler.

Wash away pain injuries with water
Whether it’s your feet, your knees or your shoulders that are throbbing, experts at New York ’s Manhattan College , say you could kick-start your recovery in one week just by drinking eight ounce glasses of water daily. Why? Experts say water dilutes, and then helps flush out, histamine, a pain-triggering compound produced by injured tissues. “Plus water is a key building block of the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones, your joints’ lubricating fluid, and the soft discs in your spine,” adds Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., author of the book, The Good Mood Diet. “And when these tissues are well-hydrated, they can move and glide over each other without causing pain.” One caveat: Be sure to measure your drinking glasses to find out how large they really are before you start sipping, she says. Today’s juice glasses often hold more than 12 ounces, which means five servings could be enough to meet your daily goal.

Heal sinus problems with horseradish
Latest studies show sinusitis is the nation’s number one chronic health problem. And this condition doesn’t just spur congestion and facial pain, it also makes sufferers six times more likely to feel achy all-over. Horseradish to the rescue! According to German researchers, this eye-watering condiment naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do. The study-recommended dose: One teaspoon twice daily (either on its own, or used as a sandwich or meat topping) until symptoms clear.

Beat bladder infections with blueberries
Eating 1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by 60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University. That's because blueberries are loaded with tannins, plant compounds that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a scientist at Rutgers University .

Heal mouth sores with honey
Dab painful canker and cold sores with unpasteurized honey four times daily until these skin woes disappear, and they’ll heal 43 percent faster than if you use a prescription cream, say researchers at the Dubai Specialized Medical Center in the United Arab Emirates . Raw honey’s natural enzymes zap inflammation, destroy invading viruses and speed the healing of damaged tissues, say the study authors.

Fight breast pain with flax
In one recent study, adding 3 tablespoons of ground flax to their daily diet eased breast soreness for one in three women within 12 weeks. Scientists credit flax’s phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds that prevent the estrogen spikes that can trigger breast pain. More good news: You don’t have to be a master baker to sneak this healthy seed into your diet. Just sprinkle ground flax on oatmeal, yogurt, applesauce or add it to smoothies and veggie dips.

Cure migraines with coffee
Prone to migraines? Try muscling-up your painkiller with a coffee chaser. Whatever over-the-counter pain med you prefer, researchers at the National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40 percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.

Tame leg cramps with tomato juice
At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you'll not only speed your recovery, you'll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.

Source: The Net.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stamp Collection: Spices (Issue of 2011)


I had a new hobby since I am feeling a little bored lately. So, I found something that are interesting and I think that people nowadays did not bothered about stamps anymore since the texting are much easier than sending a letter or postcard. I like stamps because they are pretty and cute. I may say that collecting stamps are for old people but look at the bright side because it may be valuable in future.

Well, got this stamp booklet of Spices issued on 28.03.2011 and it was pretty neat! Love it and check them out. 

The front cover of the stamp booklet.


Inside the boolet - 10 unit of 60 cents stamps with tumeric, dried chillies, coriander, white pepper and fennel seeds drawings.

Cinnamon - was included in this edition but not part of the  booklet.

Now I choose to collect stamps as my hobby. Since I have a lot of stamps now, I will show them every week from today. wait for the next entry!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Perempuan Bahasa Terbalik, Lelaki Dengar Macam Pelik

Satu petang, Si suami yang baru pulang dari kerja, ingin memanjakan isterinya, “Jom kita keluar, malam ni kita makan di kedai je lah”. Sambut isterinya, “Eh nasi banyak lagi tu bang, gulaipun ada lagi tu. Nanti membazir, siapa pula nak menghabiskan tu”. Kalau diikutkan jawapannya itu seolah-olah membantah cadangan suaminya itu, tetapi tindakannya berlainan. 

Si isteri masuk ke bilik terus menukar baju dan membelitkan tudung di kepalanya di hadapan cermin di dalam bilik tidurnya. Sambil menunggu isterinya, dia mencapai surat khabar yang dibawa daripada pejabat tadi. Suaminya faham sangat. Kalau mulut isteri membantah tetapi nampak bergegas menukar baju, maknanya dia setujulah tu.

Setiba di gerai “char kue teow” yang biasa mereka singgah, adik di gerai tu menghampiri mereka dan bertanya, “Pak Cik nak makan apa?”. Pantas suaminya menjawab, “Char kue teow”. Ditegur isterinya, “Ish Abang ni, mintalah yang lain pula, mee ke, bihun ke. Kan dulu dah makan char kue teow ni”. Suami mula naik berang, “Menyusah je fikir-fikir, Abang tengah lapar, nak makan char kue teow le, Awak nak yang lain, pesan je la”. Muncung terus mulut si isteri mendengar arahan suaminya itu dan lantas memesan bihun sop untuk dirinya.

Sedang mereka menjamu selera, isterinya memecah kesunyian dengan bertanyakan satu soalan menjerat, “Sedap ke char kue teow tu bang?”. Sambil kepalanya masih tunduk menyedut lelehan kuah kue teow itu, suami membalas, “Sedap”. Terus melicinkan char kue teow kegemarannya itu. Apabila isterinya melihat piring suami telah licin, dia menegur dengan nada kecewa, “Awak tu makan, bukan nak ingatkan saya”. Tergamam suami mendengarnya terus membela diri, “Tadi tak cakap pun nak”. Sambut isterinya, “Dah cakap tadi, abang buat tak faham je”. Dibalas suaminya untuk membela dan membenarkan dirinya, “Mana Abang tahu awak nak rasa, kalau nak, pesan lagi satu”. 

Suara masing-masing mula meninggi. Isteri merasakan suasana romantik yang dia mula kecapi seawal suaminya mengajak makan di gerai tadi telah hancur berkecai apabila suami tidak memahami kehendaknya malam itu. Bagi Sisuami pula, asalnya tadi keluar makan di luar untuk membantu isteri merehatkan badannya supaya tidak susah-susah memasak di rumah dan dengan harapan malam nanti dapatlah hadiah istemewa daripada isterinya. Tetapi sekarang, telah bertukar menjadi medan peperangan dingin dengan isterinya di meja char kue teow pula. Mengapa perkara ini boleh terjadi?

Kebiasaan wanita, apabila mereka berkomunikasi, mereka menggunakan ungkapan yang tidak terus. Mereka menggunakan bahasa berlapik, maksud terbalik dan berpusing-pusing sebagaimana peribahasa Inggeris “beats around the bush”. Laporan ScienceDaily (Jan. 21, 2005) berjudul “Intelligence In Men And Women Is A Gray And White Matter” mengatakan binaan otak wanita yang memang telah diprogramkan memiliki lebih “white matter” yang bertugas menghubungkaitkan sesuatu perkara dengan yang lain hingga menyebabkan mereka pakar menggunakan pendekatan ‘komunikasi-bahasa-tidak terus’ ini.

Bercakap adalah asas perhubungan yang utama bagi wanita. Mereka menggunakan pendekatan ini untuk membina jambatan perhubungan dengan orang lain untuk mengelakkan konfrantasi secara terbuka, bersopan santun dan berbudi bahasa. Wanita memang suka menggunakan proses komunikasi cara ini untuk menyampaikan mesej terutama sekali kepada orang yang dia sayangi. Bagi mereka, jika orang yang dia sayangi ini memahami apa yang dia ungkapkan dengan tepat, maka orang itu dilabelkan sebagai seorang yang romantik.

Sebagai contoh kalau mereka berdua sedang menaiki kereta dalam perjalanan yang jauh dan isterinya berasa lapar. Pada masa itu mereka sedang melalui deretan kedai-kedai makan. Terdapat beberapa ungkapan yang tidak terus yang wanita gunakan untuk memberitahu suami yang mereka lapar. Mereka tidak sanggup mengungkapkan perkataan, “Abang saya lapar, berhenti di kedai makan depan itu sekarang”. Mereka akan menggunakan bahasa tidak terus seperti berikut, “Abang tak lapar ke?”. Atau, “Dulu kita pernah makan di kedai depan tu kan, sedap masakannya”. Atau, “Tomyam kedai di depan tu sedapkan Abang”. Dan banyak lagi ungkapan-ungkapan yang kebanyakan lelaki tidak faham. Maka suami yang romantik ialah apabila sahaja dia mendengar isyarat ini, dia telah tahu bahawa isterinya sedang lapar dan mahu makan. Tanpa bersoaljawab, dia terus sahaja membelokkan keretanya ke halaman deretan kedai makan dan mencari pakir yang dekat dengan restoren yang dia sebut tadi.

Namun kebanyakan lelaki tidak faham dengan bahasa-tidak-terus ini. Minda lelaki yang memiliki lebih sepuluh kali “grey matter” daripada wanita yang tugasnya hanya memproses maklumat, kurang dapat mengaitkan ungkapan atau ayat-ayat yang berlapik-lapik ini. Kefahamannya hanya bergantung kepada apa yang diucapkan. Dia tidak pandai untuk mentafsirkan apa yang tersirat daripada apa yang tersurat. Oleh itu, jika isterinya beri isyarat. “Abang tak lapar ke?”, Dia akan jawab, “Tak lapar” dan meneruskan pemanduannya. Kecewalah isteri ini dan suaminya ini akan dicopkan sebagai tidak romantik.

Berbalik kita kepada kisah yang mula-mula saya paparkan itu. Apabila isteri bertanyakan kepada suaminya, “Sedap ke char kue teow tu bang?”. Ini bermaksud, “Abang, saya nak rasa sikit char kue teow tu”. Dan sebaik-baiknya, tanpa soal jawab, suaminya itu terus menukar piring char kue teownya dengan mangkuk bihun sop isterinya. Selepas minum separuh, suami itu juga menukarkan gelas minuman milo aisnya dengan minum isterinya. Suami yang berbuat demikian dicopkan sebagai seorang yang romantik. Dia bukan hanya dipuji kerana memahami kehendak isterinya, malah isteri juga puas kerana dapat merasai dua jenis makanan dan minuman pada malam itu dengan harga yang dibayar oleh seorang mengikut perkiraan wanita.

Berikut saya paparkan sedikit daripada ungkapan bahasa-bahasa-tidak-terus yang boleh dijadikan panduan kepada suami jika dia terdengar isterinya.

1. Bila suami mengajak isterinya pergi ke sesuatu tempat dan isterinya menjawab, “Tengoklah”. Besar kemungkinan maksudnya dia tidak mahu pergi.
2. Bila suami isteri sedang berbincang untuk membeli atau memberikan sesuatu kepada isteri, tetapi dalam perbincangan itu timbul pelbagai masalah hingga isterinya seolah-olah mengalah, “Saya tak kisah”. Sebenarnya apa yang dia maksudkan itu ialah dia kisah dan mahu juga benda itu.
3. Bila suami pulang dari kerja dan sesampai di pintu, isterinya menegur suaminya, “Abang letih eh”. Bagi suami yang tidak faham, pasti akan menjawab apa yang dia rasai seperti, “Aa, letih”. Maka kecewalah isterinya itu kerana maksud sebenar ialah dia hendak mengajak suaminya keluar masa itu juga.

Mengapa orang lelaki tidak faham bahasa perempuan ini ialah kerana kebiasaannya orang lelaki berkomunikasi menggunakan ayat yang pendek, terus, tepat kepada maksudnya dan penuh dengan fakta. Lelaki dengan watak kepimpinan dan penguasaan sering menggunakan komunikasi ini untuk mendapatkan kuasa dan sokongan daripada orang lain. Di dalam perniagaan, cara komunikasi sebegini amat sesuai untuk membuat keputusan dan keberkesanan perundingan dengan cepat. Tetapi kalau cara ini digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang perempuan, ia dilihat sebagai kurang sopan dan tidak beradab.

Oleh itu nasihat saya kepada suami yang ingin memahami bahasa terbalik isterinya ialah,

1. Bila isterinya bersuara, cuba dengar betul-betul ungkapannya dan lihat juga air muka serta pandangan matanya. Pasti kita boleh memahami maksudnya sama ada terus atau terbalik melalui tonasi dan bahasa badannya.
2. Kalau suami masih merasai tidak faham maksudnya, cepatlah bertanya secara terus terang, “Apa maksud awak tadi?”.
3. Bila suami telah memahaminya, maka simpanlah ilmu dan kemahiran ini untuk digunapakai masa depan apabila diucapkan oleh isterinya nanti. Pastinya suami ini dilebelkan sebagai lelaki yang paling romantik.
4. Terimalah cara bahasa terbalik yang amat memeningkan kepala ini sebagai tanda isteri masih sayang kepada kita. Kebiasaannya, isteri tidak menggunakan kaedah ini kepada sesiapa sahaja yang dia tidak kenal melainkan kepada orang yang dia sayangi dan teman sejenisnya
Kepada isteri pula,
1. Sebelum anda menggunakan bahasa berbahasa ini kepada suami, sila lihat dulu keadaan suami anda. Jika dia dalam keadaan serius atau kelihatan letih atau mengalami stres, jangan gunakan lagi pendekatan ini. Dibimbangi, ketidakfahamannya nanti boleh menyebabkan jiwa panas barannya mengganas.
2. Kalau keadaan suami kelihatan ceria dan bersedia untuk bergurau senda, bolehlah anda bermanja-manja menggunakan bahasa terbalik berpusing-pusing ini untuk menagih kehendak dan keperluan anda. Kalau dia tidak faham juga, anda hendaklah dengan suara manja menerangkan maksud sebenar. Jangan mengharapkan dia faham sendiri kalau dia kelihatan tidak faham. Nanti anda juga yang kecewa.

Renung dan fikir kembali situasi ini dalam kehidupan rumahtangga kita seharian.InsyaAllah,yang mana kurang boleh diperbaiki. Fahami pasangan dan hargai mereka. Jika anda mengharapkan kesempurnaan,anda akan jumpa banyak kelemahan pada dirinya. Tetapi jika anda merima kekurangan seadanya, ada sedang membina kesempurnaan di mata pasangan anda. Selamat Mencuba.

Sumber : Facebook

Friday, March 22, 2013

Shoe Festival 2013 & Pameran Pengantin 2013


Sudah lama rasanya tidak update blog. Singgah sekejab nak bagi tahu kepada kawan-kawan yang minat dengan kasut, bolehlah berkunjung ke PWTC 29-30 Mac untuk Pameran Kasut 2013. Amboi, memang seronokkan. Saya memang tak sabar nak pergi melawat.

          Selain daripada kasut, yang paling penting selali bagi saya yang ada "Big Event" hujung tahun ini, harus kah bagi saya untuk melawat ke Pameran Pengantin 2013 juga. Tarikh yang sama dan waktu yang sama juga. Yeay! Sambil menyelam minum air. Senang kerja saya. See you there!